Lesson 11: Working with vocals
Objective: Students will learn how to record, edit, and mix vocals in Soundation. Materials: Computers with internet access, Soundation accounts, speakers, audio interfaces, microphones, and headphones.
- 1Introduction to vocal recording (10 mins):
- Discuss the basics of vocal recording, including signal flow, audio settings, mic placement, and levels.
- Demonstrate recording a vocal track in Soundation.
- 2Editing vocals (15 mins):
- Show how to edit vocal takes, including cutting, and using pitch correction.
- Demonstrate how to add effects like EQ, reverb, delay, and compression for vocals.
- 3Vocal mixing practice (25 mins):
- Students record or import a vocal track and practice editing and mixing it.
- 4Discussion (10 mins):
- Compare original and edited vocal tracks and discuss challenges in vocal mixing.
Incorporate a vocal track into an existing project, applying at least two vocal effects.
- Pitch correction: Use the Vocal tuner effect to correct the pitch of a vocal to a specific scale.